
Laboratorium Aspal AS -160

Laboratorium Aspal AS -160

Alat Laboratorium Teknik Sipil – Laboratorium Aspal –  Distributor Alat Lab Teknik Sipil – Jual Lab Teknik Sipil – Harga Lab Teknik Sipil – Jika anda ada kebutuhan untuk alat laboratorium teknik sipil bias hubungi kami yang berada di lokasi Jakarta, dapatkan penawaran harga jual alat lab teknik sipil terbaik, alat laboratorium ini untuk mengukur alat alat sipil dari segi akurasi yang akurat.




ASTM D.402 & AASHTO T.78

Viscosity is a fundamental characteristic of bitumen. It can determine how the material will function when in use e.g the readiness to flow at a given temperature and the temperature required for correct application.

Specification Alat Laboratorium Aspal AS -160 SAYBOLT VISCOSIMETER :

AS -160.1    Viscosimeter                     Stainless steel bath, motor stirrer, 220 V-AC Thermostat control panel 2 tubes 1 Set

AS -160.2    Viscosimeter Tube           Brass, seamless provided with tips and tip  Wrench 2 Pcs

AS -160.3    Tube Wrench                     T- Wrench  1 Pc

AS -160.4    Pipete                                 Glass with rubber bulb  1 Pc

AS -160.5    Thermometer Support     Aluminium plate  2 Pcs

AS -160.6    Flask                                   60 ml capacity  2 Pcs

AB -027/1    Funnel                                Glass, 60 angle 1 Pc

AB -034/2    Thermometer                     Range 0 – 1000 C  1 Pc


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